October 16, 2024

School Management Software

Modules :-

  1. Pre-Admission (Registration)
    a. Form Issue
    b. Form Issue Report
    c. Registration Form
    d. Update Registration Record
    e. Registration Report
    f. Registration Point Selection
    g. Registration/Admission Summary
  2. Admission
    a. New Admission
    b. Students Maintenance
    i.) Enter House Club (House, Club, Mobile No., Email Id)
    ii.) Display Student (Display All Students)
    iii.) Update Information (Change/Update Data)
    iv.) Search Information (By Adm. No, Name)
    v.) Ex-Student Information (School Leaving Students List)
    vi.) School Strength (Class wise & Section wise Students)
    vii.) New Year Up-gradation (For New Session)
    viii.) Designation wise Information (Parent Designation wise Report)
    ix.) Caution Money Return (Those Students Paid Caution Money)
    c. Reports
    i.) Class wise Report (Export Data in Excel)
    ii.) Category wise Students List (OBC, Gen., SCST)
    iii.) Student with Concession (EWS, Scholar, Full Fee ,Staff and other)
    iv.) Student with Meal & Transport (Monthly Report taking Meal/TPT)
    v.) Character Certificate
    vi.) Issue SLC Certificate (School Leaving Certificate)
    vii.) Provisional Certificate (For 12th Pass Students)
    viii.) Area wise List (Student Comes from locality/Area)
    ix.) Caution Money Paid (Paid Caution Money Report)
    d. Sticker
    i.) Class wise (Adm. No., Father Name, Address, Phone No., Name)
    ii.) Session wise (Adm. No., Father Name, Address, Phone No., Name)
    iii.) New Admission (Adm. No., Father Name, Address, Phone No., Name)
    iv.) New Registration (Adm. No., Father Name, Address, Phone No., Name)
  3. Fee Management
    a. Fee Collection
    i.) New Fee Collection (Accept fee for running month)
    ii.) Update / Cancel / Bonus Fee Slip (Change/Update Fee By Mistake)
    b. Fee Report (Export Data in Excel)
    i.) Today Fee Collection (Daily Transaction Report)
    ii.) Monthly Fee Collection (Transaction report Between Two Date)
    iii.) Paid Students fee Record (Those Students who paid the fee)
    iv.) Monthly Unpaid/Expected fee (Unpaid Students list and How much amount to be collected)
    v.) List Of Cheque (no. of cheque collected daily/monthly)
    vi.) List of Cash (Only Total Cash Collected daily)
    vii.) All Students Ledger Class wise Monthly (Credit & Debit Amount)
    viii.) Monthly Fee Ledger Cash/Cheque/PNB/AXIS (Total amount day wise collected cash, Cheq., Pnb, Axis)
    ix.) Arrear Paid/Unpaid Students (Arrear paid student list)
    x.) Students Ledger (All month fee ledger of particular students)
    xi.) Debit/Credit Amount Class wise (Exp./Paid Class wise and Concession students list separately)
    xii.) Audit data of all Students
    xiii.) All Quarter Ledger
  4. Transport
    a. Students New Tran Info (Allotted Route and Stop transport taking students)
    b. Students Update Tran Info ((Update Route and Stop transport taking students)
    c. Route Process
    i.) New Route Info (Create New Route for transport)
    ii.) Update Route Info (Update New Route for transport)
    iii.) Display Route Info (Display New Route for transport)
    iv.) Delete Route Info (Delete New Route for transport)
    v.) Setting School Route Time (Changing School time in Summer and Winter)
    vi.) Stop Info (Create New, Update, Delete Stop)
    vii.) Today Departure List (Departure list Route wise 1st Shift and 2nd Shift of all students)
    d. Report
    i.) Students who walker
    ii.) List of Vehicle (Vehicle list with Number)
    iii.) List of Driver
    iv.) Class wise Transport list (Class wise students transport taking in particular Route and Stop with Arrival and Departure Timing)
    v.) Route wise stop description (Morning Arrival List of students taking Transport Route and Stop wise)
    vi.) Slab/Class wise Students (Class and section wise students taking transport slab wise (A(1300), B(1400), C(1600)) )
  5. Vehicle Management
  6. Attendance
    a. Student’s Birth day
    b. Daily Teacher Attendance
    i.) Incoming / Outgoing Attendance (Employee Attendance Arrival and Departure with reason)
    c. Employee Attendance Report
    i.) Daily/Employee wise Attendance Report (Attendance report Daily and Employee wise monthly)
    ii.) Monthly Attendance Report (All Employee Attendance Report monthly with late, half day, short leave, present, Absent, Leave)
    d. Students First Shift Attendance
    e. Students Second Shift Attendance
    f. Search Students
    g. Change Password of Attendance
    h. Students Attendance Report
    i.) Attendance Report (Class wise Attendance report first shift and second shift with day wise)
    ii.) Daily/Yearly Students Attendance Report ( Daily Attendance report of marking attendance by teacher in each class with Present and Absent and Yearly attendance report class wise)
    i. Today Absent Students
  7. Examination
    a. Enter House/Club
    b. Make Result Sheet
    i.) Maximum Marks Exam wise (Assign Maximum marks examination wise as like FA1, FA2, SA1, FA3, FA4 and SA2)
    ii.) Create Grade & Indicators ( Assign Grade with Indicators of co scholastic areas)
    iii.) Class wise Student Subject (Assign Subject to the students like French/Snkt./Hindi/Skill and Sports)
    iv.) Enter Result/Grade & Indicator (Enter Marks and Grade with Indicators according to exam type)
    c. Report
    i.) Class wise marks ( Class wise marks obtained)
    ii.) Subject wise Marks (Subject wise marks obtained)
    iii.) Broad Sheet (All Compiled Result Sheet of selected class)
    iv.) Report Card (Student wise report card preparation)
  8. Payroll
    a. Employee Birthday
    b. Employee Information
    i.) New Employee
    ii.) Update/Search/Delete Employee Info.
    iii.) Display Employee
    iv.) Exp. Cert.
    c. Make Payment
    d. Payment of Salary
    e. Report
    i.) Employee List
    ii.) Paid Salary List
  9. Utilities
    a. Circular
    i.) Today Circular (Reading circular)
    ii.) Make Circular (Making circular)
    iii.) Make Students Remark (Assign remarks by teacher to the students day wise)
    b. Fee Master
    c. Create user (Create New user to access software)
    d. Remove User (Remove un authorized user)
    e. Backup/Restore data (Taking Backup and Restore data)
    f. Change Password (Change Password of existing user)
    g. Create user For Attendance (Create user for marking student attendance in class room)
    h. Preferences (Changing fee amount, Create User for marking attendance, Managing Attendance time, Adding holiday)
  10. Login Info
    a. Log Off
    b. Registration Login (All history of update and delete Registration record)
    c. Admission Login (All history of update and delete Admission record)
    d. Fee login (All history of update and delete Fee record)
    e. Software Open
  11. Exit

Pricing and Versions: –

  1. Basic: – It includes Admission and Fee Management Modules: – ₹ 18000/-
  2. Premium: – In addition to Basic version Pre-Admission, Transport, Examination, Library, Payroll & Utilities: – ₹ 25000/-
  3. In addition to Basic if wants other Modules then cost is: – For Transport: – 4000/-; For Examination: – 4000/-; Library: -5000;